
Ace Job Applications with the Power of GPT-4

Boost your career quest with AI-crafted, personalized application tools that make job hunting a breeze.

Your AI-Powered Job Search Companion

Craft Winning Applications with Ease

Create stand-out cover letters, persuasive emails, and tailored job portal answers.

Discover Your Job Match Percent

AI scans your resume and creates a compatibility score to help you maximise job opportunities.

Stay Organizedwith Job Tracking

Keep tabs on your job applications with a user-friendly tracking system.

How it works

Unleash Your Job Search Potential in 3 Easy Steps


Sign Up and paste Your complete Resume


Enter the job description for your dream position


Start crafting personalized applications

Supercharge Your Job Hunt Today!

Your first job application is on us, get started with 5 free credits


A$ 9

  • 5 Credits
  • 1 Job Application



A$ 29

35% Off
  • 25 Credits
  • 5 Job Applications



A$ 49

45% Off
  • 50 Credits
  • 10 Job Applications
Get started for free!

No Subscription, pay per use.

Frequently Asked Questions

All you need to know about hireyu.io's functionalities and offerings

Don't let your dream job slip through your fingers, it's time to take action!

  • Generate persuasive emails
  • Personalized cover letters
  • Job match percent %